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Free square filters for use on Instagram and other mobile photo apps.

All filters are free. If you use them on Instagram make sure to hashtag: #AR_Filters.


Why use filters?

Filters are a great way to spice up your photos. You can add shapes, lines, colors, scratches, and film effects and more that will attract attention.

Plus you'll have the chance to be featured on both of my Instagram accounts.

Great video on using filters like these and other editing techniques on iPhone.

You will need an app like Photoforge 2 or Imageblender to use AR_Filters

If you enjoy my filters, you will also like Mextures by Merek Davis available here:


First Ever AR_Filters Pack!

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If you appreciate these products, please consider donating.

I am not making any money through photography yet.

I will however, continue to offer free products as I need them for my own use.

Want to help with

AR_Filter Pack #2?

Here's how...



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